

Morning Hunger
In the morning, when the light shines in, I rise from my bed, and a hunger fills my head. I stumble to the kitchen, feeling half awake, and there it is, waiting for a meal I can't forsake.
Scrambled eggs, sizzle , and pop, a breakfast delight that cannot top. With a sprinkle of salt and a dash of black pepper, scrambled eggs for breakfast, there's nothing better.
I crack one open; their shells are so delicate, whisking them gently to create a velvet-like state. The butter melts as the pan starts to heat, and the eggs dance and scramble to a complete symphony.
As I take the first bite, a smile spreads wide, the creamy texture a sensation I can't hide, the flavors mingle a harmony of taste; scrambled eggs are the best way to start my day.
Cheers to scrambled eggs, a culinary delight, A simple pleasure that brings me pure delight; with every forkful, I savor the flavor; scrambled eggs in the morning will always be my favorite.