

If love could speak
If love could speak
It would not say much
Just tell the loving ones
Love is not about lust
Love is an affection
That runs from heart to heart
The longing and beauty
And a tinge of trust
Pure to the soul
Is a beautiful feeling
Gravest of fears disappear
With a trivial consoling
If you could ever fall in love
You'll know how magical it is
Prettifies the ugliest
Teaches to fly without wings
If love could speak
It will recite the fairy tale
No differences and restrictions
Solace is only what you get
No money, no fame
And no status it ever judges
Makes you to forgive the direst of crimes
Never lets you to hold grudges
Love is peace; love is misery
Love is devotion; Love is sacrifice
Don't fall in dilema once you seek love
Because love is the basis of life
© soumi's_here