

Voices On Its Cage, Shout For Me!

The lips opening for the entrance, making a way
But it suddenly feels like, nothing won't come out!
Is it the birds of words carrying the verbal term flew away?
Yes! They can breathe they can murmur, but the context is incomprehensible
How they wish they could pronounce the word voice, making it possible.

It's like their voices turns out to be a phantom,
It conceals everything, hastening them like a venom
Their hands were the tool, a weapon to speak out,
Yet somebody thinks it's a joke making them feel it's a draught
Suffering for a volt of silence to scream what they thought

People speak and say whatever they want,
Wanting to express their thoughts and reveal their feelings.
It's surely advantageous, but what about those who can't?
The ability never had them, speaking has been out of their things.
Their struggles are hard for us to understand their life happenings.

Helping them to soar up is what they need,
Making them feel they belong to us will convince them they're wanted
Sign Language is what they use and we shouldn't destroy
We have freedom to speak, they have freedom to understand
Act respectively upon them, offer them your support to let them stand!

[cover photo from rightful owner]
© author_hugen