

What is relationship?
Relationship is not finding gold or silver among the rocks,
It's accepting each other as coal till diamonds are formed through time.
Relationship is not history to forget,
Relationship is not maths to calculate,
Relationship is not language to learn,
It's only science where we have to understand.
True relationship doesn't always come when the talk between two people is frequent,
It's come when silence between them is comfortable.
Relationship means if one of them hurts, then other don't hurt back,
When one of them ignore, & the other
don't ignore back;
When one of them needs other, then the one always come back.
A true relationship is like lifetime prepaid service, whether you pay or not, incoming is free for ever.
If you are in a true relationship, then you have your own definition.
Go with it & enjoy your own world of relationship.
Never judge a relationship just because of others....

© shuchita