

Our Political Jingoists
In the realm of politics, where voices clash, Jingoists emerge, their fervor unabashed. With fiery rhetoric, they seek to divide, Fueling discord, as unity subsides.
Their words like daggers, slicing through the air,Stirring anger,breeding chaos and despair. They chant slogans, wrapped in national pride,But fail to see the wounds
In their quest for power, they sow seeds of hate,Blinding us to the consequences we'll face.They fan the flames of fear,with every breath,lgnoring the harmony that lies beneath.
But let us not succumb to their divisive ways, For unity and empathy shall guide our days. Let's rise above the noise, with open hearts,And build a future where understanding starts.
In the face of jingoism,let us stand strong, Embracing diversity, where we all belong. For in our shared humanity, we'll find, A path towards progress, leaving no one behind.
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