

First love
In the realm of youth's embrace so sweet,
A boy's heart finds a love so fleet.
Innocence and wonder, pure and true,
First love, a journey, so fresh and new.

He meets her gaze, his heart takes flight,
In her presence, everything feels right.
Her smile, a sunbeam in his sky,
First love's magic, soaring high.

Hand in hand, they navigate this land,
First love's touch, like grains of sand.
Awakening feelings, both wild and mild,
In the heart of a young and hopeful child.

With stolen glances and secret sighs,
First love's whispers in moonlit skies.
A symphony of emotions, hearts aglow,
In the garden of love, they start to grow.

Though time may pass, and love may change,
First love's memories forever range.
A cherished chapter in a life's grand story,
A boy's heart's entry to love's territory.
© @Anuja