

the peasant's strength
She was naive
She knew to survive, she had to leave her nest
To make her people proud, she had to break a sweat
Time was ticking fast, she had to try
So she set out for the first time.
She only tried to make her own mark
She opened up to be best, no setbacks
To get a name, she looked cheap in the eyes of others
Belittled and disrespected to belong in a society that wasn't hers
Hard she toiled
And even though she enjoyed the privilege she thought she had
It quickly turned dark
And pain was what she felt at heart.
Coiled up at night, no sleep
Teary eyes and anguish
Her sadness, she couldn't rid
But for her own life, she pleads
Tomorrow, she'll start again
Gather the dignity left, she'd rise again
Cos she's strong and loved
She'd try again.

© skinnyCee