

A reflection of mystery
A confused case I am
Helpless I thought my life so complicated
Broken and lost
My mind's in chaos.

This world where I have a double personality
My joy is shattered into fragments
My heart now a humbled art
Is painted roughly by the viewers eye.

My creation perfect is mocked upon
My humbleness is judged upon
This calm persona is a raging fire
That'll burn a countless piteous lives!

If only they knew my life before
Where my existence was nothing short of an illusion
An illusion where reality became a dream
But do I even know who I am?

Of course not!
I know not anymore that by what they call me
I know not anymore than by how the world sees me
I know not...but a fragment of my thoughts, my words and my dreams.

So I'll stay silent at the world.
I'll smile at those silly jokes that make no meaning.
I'll grin at those stupid remarks that leave no soothing.
I'll be exactly what you think of me and more.

So look carefully
Watch my expressions closely
I'm just but a reflection of mystery
You will never come to know
The secrets I hold within !

© Paradise springs