

Dear Reflections - Lies are half truths
As I gaze upon you, I am reminded of the
intricate dance between truth and lies that
we all navigate in our lives. Lies are half-truths,
weaving themselves into the
being of our reality, sometimes deceiving
us with their partial resemblance to the
This metaphor resonates deeply with me,
for I have experienced firsthand the
impact of lies disguised as half-truths
in my daily life.

In relationships, I have encountered
deceitful words that led me astray,
blurring the line between reality and
fiction. These half-truths left me
questioning my judgment and the
authenticity of those around me.
Through these experiences, I have
learned the importance of discerning
the subtle nuances between truth
and deception, and the value of seeking
clarity in a world filled with shades of gray.

May you continue to reflect the
complexities of our lives, guiding
us to uncover the whole truth
amidst the veils of half-truths.

© Simrans