

The Word.
In the beginning was the Word.
The word was with God
And the word was God.
The word
Already existed before anything was created.
Giving life to all creation.

The Word.
Uttered words of your Lordship I was saved.
Engraved in our hearts,
Archived in the  meditation songs in our minds
Leading us to righteousness
Saving our souls.
heals the broken hearted, brightens dark spheres.
With no fear.
Slaying the enemy.
Oh sword of the spirit..
what a mighty weapon you are.

So, Alive and Powerful.
Sharper than the,, sharpest double-edged sword.
Cutting between Soul & Spirit.
Who and what can withstand it?
I don't think you get it,
It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.
We try to hide, till it starts to burn like
Holy Ghost fire!
Revealing the truth.
Oh Lord, lead us to the way of Life...
Like Christ.. Light.. Life..

#godsword #lifeintheword #Jesus