

Lost love
The way my heart beat,
That I can't remember
What I know is a thought of you,
Makes my "skin" beat faster
You never wanted any of it,
But I took the whole and gave it up
All you did was bury it in the dirt,
So you'd come to exhume it later
Little did you know a day would come,
In the dirt when it'll decompose
And the spot 'twas sunk in the sand,
Will be the sea bed, for a purpose;
Saving me from pains déjà vu
That could've rendered me aband.

Now, I live without a heart,
A Frankenstein for your course
I'm often asked,
"What do you feel about love?"
"Shucks!" I exclaim,
(How can I reply when the medium
I get to feel it with is gone?)
I simply say, "We went on an adventure
But love never returned."

© Cogua