


I don't know who I am anymore,
I'm a stranger to myself.
Lost in my thoughts, I can't ignore,
The feeling of being disconnected, like a book on a shelf.

The mirror reflects a face unknown,
And memories once familiar now seem so dissonant.
I feel like the person I once was is gone,
Swallowed up in this void, this distance.

I search for meaning in my everyday,
Trying to find something to ground me and make me whole.
But I feel as though I'm floating away,
No anchor to keep me from losing control.

I wonder how I got here, so far away,
From the person I thought I knew.
I struggle to escape this mental fray,
To rediscover the me that is true.

Perhaps this break from reality is meant to be,
The opportunity to rediscover and redefine.
For even if I feel like a stranger to me,
I know that everything will be just fine.
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