

Resilience in Tears
I feel my heart is wrenching and ask myself is it all worth it?
The pain... the crying... the anguish,
A symphony of sorrow, a melody of regret,
Yet, in the silence, a whisper I get.

"From the ashes of despair, a phoenix shall rise,
From the depths of pain, you'll claim your prize.
For in the heartache, strength is born,
In the darkest night, awaits the morn."

The tears may fall, the heart may ache,
But every sorrow, every heartbreak,
Is but a stepping stone, a path to take,
To the strength within, waiting to awake.

So, I wipe my tears, I face the day,
With a heart that's bruised, but not led astray.
For the pain, the crying, the anguish, I see,
Are but chapters in my journey, shaping me.

Is it all worth it? I ask again,
As I look beyond the sorrow, beyond the pain.
And in the silence, the answer comes clear,
"Yes, for every tear, brings strength near."
© Lily

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