

I'm so proud of you I don't even know where to begin
I don't think I really understood what the word love really meant not until the very first time we met
your lil eyes looking up at me I felt so content
and you I would always want to and try to protect
14 years later you still fill me with so much pride
and I can't begin to tell you how much joy you bring to me inside
even when we can't stand side by side I can still see your beautiful smile anytime the sun shines
and I can hear your wonderful laughter whenever I hear birds singing in the skies
and I feel your love everytime I think back on all the memories we have that I hold dear to me
your not just one of the very best babies but how lucky am I that God gave you to me
your the greatest young lady who continues to surprise me daily
you are also my very best friend and I know in you I can believe in
you'll never know how much happiness you have given me
the daughter you are and the woman I know you will become are just so amazing
I will forever love you, unconditionally

-a poem for my daughter
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