

An Eternal Flame
My love for you is stronger than the toughest steel,
no words on earth could describe how I feel,
it's not easy to tell all my feelings to you,
and I'll say my words are so few.

Your smile is bright and fills up the room,
no matter how dark, no matter the gloom,
for no badness or evil could ever conceal,
just how much love for you I truly feel.

Your eyes so brown like the trunks of the trees,
once saplings and weak, now independent and free,
and now they bring life to both you and me,
you're the prettiest girl I'll ever see.

When you speak my heart feels like a race car,
beating and thumping to my beautiful star,
becuase no matter where I be, you'll guide me to you,
I hope when I say those words, you'll say them too.

You're amazing, fantastic my one true desire,
the bread to my butter, the flame to my fire,
and just like a candle with an eternal flame,
I hope our love could be the same.

© 1mmanic