

The sound of the stadium's roar,
Resonates with every four,
Down the pitch,
Over the arm,
Cricket has its own charm

They makes run,
Oponent loose some,
Some people pray to god,
to let them win the match.
But not always prayers work.
Some players have luck and
Some have talents.

Sweats come into their way,
But they play in sway,
They run to take a catch
But got out of the line,
Sometimes crowd hufffs.....
Sometimes they eagerly wait.

Watching the match spend hours ,
Sometimes excites, somtimes bores.
But still waits for the team to win,
Finishing the popcorns they dump rapper in the bins,
Get relief to saw the favorite team win.

Some laughs, some cries while some dances with joy.
Players shakes hands to show brotherhood.
Winner takes the trophy giving interview.