

"Stand there on
the edge of the cliff,
Outstretch your hands
Take the final leap.
You have to go,
you can't stay no more.
Like a drop of water,
In a shower of rain.
Take the leap of faith,
that'll end your pain

"Wait stop! I can't
go, it's not time yet!
I don't want to go!
I'll miss mommy and
daddy, and the people
that I love, and ice creams
and chocolate. I'll
miss them all. So please
Let me stop.

"Don't be stupid! What
has this world given you?
Nothing but pain: cuts
and bruises on your soul;
so deep they bleed, too
deep to heal. You'll never
be better, you'll never be
you - the 'you' that you were
five years ago. Take that
Leap! Take that leap! The
hole in your heart, will
thus be filled. It'll hurt for
a moment or two. Then
happiness is all you'll know.
Freedom awaits, immortal soul!

~~And like the wings of
a bird, my arms stretched
out. And I let go of myself.
Free falling, with the wind
cutting through my skin,
I murmured a 'thank you'
to the girl I had been~~

"Sorry world,
I tried my best.
I tried to live,
but I had to rest.
You can run from others,
but you can't
run from your self.

The chemicals in my brain -
all messed up, I couldn't
control them. I didn't give
up without a fight, I hope
you understand someday.
Please don't blame me; not
all battles can be won. For
all this time, it was my brain,
my self, that was pushing me on.

Heart versus mind,
neither of them wrong.
Remember me for
who I was, not who
I had become.
I love you mama,
I love you papa,
I just couldn't go on.

© ____white__roseee