

The days were unending as were the nights,
She waited and waited and waited,
But there seemed no hope in sight…

she walked away with her eyes facing back
the tiny hope she had like little droplet 💧
disappeared with every step she took.
to jeers of shame and disdain she walked

The light that was to be at the end of the tunnel showed,
a little too late, but it showed up.
just when her hope was punctured,
heart broken not shattered
feet wobbling though still standing
eyes blurry red from scotching dried tears of years gone.

He showed up

He showed; she hated him for a moment
but love in his eyes was so powerful. love that brought all she wanted and more.

"what took you so long"
with teary eyes and a smiling face she whispered

" I will love your for life just to remind you of how long you left me in the sun to dry"

There lips drew closer to each other as I closed my eyes to preserve my innocence.

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