

Mental Illness
Bipolar whispers in my ear so cold
Depression's shroud, it wears me old

PTSD's scars, they never fade away
Memories of hurt, they cling and stay
From childhood trauma to adulthood's strife
A heavy burden, hard to life

Manic highs that take me far
To euphoric skies, a starry car
But crashing lows, they bring me down
To darkest depths, no safe haven found

In mood swings wild, I lose myself
A fragile soul, a troubled wealth
Yet hope remains, a glimmer bright
A light that guides me through the night

Therapy's embrace, it calms my sea
Medication's balm, it sets me free
Supportive love, it shines so true
A beacon in the darkness, pure and new

So let us walk this path together
Hand in hand, through thunder weather
For in our shared strength, we find
A brighter tomorrow, peace of mind
© jenniejesterapel