

ode to a black person

Ode to a black person

Ode to a black person…
I don’t hate you…
And you don’t hate me either
We’re in the same race
Goin through whatever it is…
I don’t wanna divide myself
Away from and you shouldn’t either
Cos racism got our people fucked up….
It’s how the system conquers…

We don’t have to hate ourselves
Nor each other, cos of a white man said so…
He loves to trick us, to manipulate us
To gaslight us only to get what he wants…
Like our resources…we’re the resources…
I mean he benefits our pain, our joy…

I think a lesson should be like,
Don’t ever let other races, especially white folks
To use us, to capitalize our bodies….
Yet some of us don’t understand the system….
Or I could say many of us….

Ode to a black person
I would like to remind you
We’re humans, too…
We got souls, emotions and rhythms
We’re beautiful people….
We’re the original…the first parent of humanity
And so, it’s insane that white people created
White supremacy tell us what to do…
On this planet…that mutation….
Their power is their survival…..
However, we have to survive, also….
Just cos in my opinion
I feel like they are slaughterin us off the earth…

The problem is that
We’ve been severely colonized
Like our own slave mentality has
Grow and stretch over the years…
It comes with the family tree of trauma….
There is so much self hatred within our
Community, I can’t name it all
But have you ever observed among our
People? It’s ok if you haven’t witnessed
There’s no respect and dignity inside us
We’re always fighting one another, doin
Mass destruction cos we’re truly mentally
Ill…if you disagree, that’s ok…you can act
Sambo all you want on me, you might never
Understand what I’m talkin about…. I’d think you’re
Annoyin..you would ignore me for...