

I once loved a man,
whom I thought was an angel–
But he turns out to be,
A vampire.
For, he bit me.
Which makes a hurtful mark not just in my neck–
But also in my chest.
My love, I-i thought that was just a test.

He did leave a mark on my neck.
But he didn't sucked it.
Instead, he sipped it--my blood.
Now, my vein is nowhere to be found.

The red liquid which makes it possible for me to live,
is all gone, he drunk it,
for his own satisfaction.
I can no longer live,
For, I don't have any more reason.

Leaving me dumbfounded,
With a huge scar in my heart.
It felt like I was stabbed,
to make a vampire's art.

He's a vampire.
For, he fooled me.
How does it feel to cheat baby?
Is it satisfying? Does it taste good?

I'm curious about what it feels like,
To leave someone who loves me so much,
and so I tried to take someone's life
By making them fall in love,
then leave them afterwards.

I seek for reasons,
I want to feel satisfaction,
I didn't feel strange.
I realized, I've changed.

Here I am, questioning my self.
I hate him for being evil-- But,
while I'm seeking for answers,
and an urge feeling to feel satisfaction...

I'm now--
An evil that I never want to be.
A vampire bit me.
And so, I'm a vampire now.

Is it my fault?
© Theo