

This is not a poem.
Hello everyone, I just wanted to say something real quick... So @FrankSilvanski told me something a couple months ago, about how he thinks poems should be simple and raw, and he spoke of his disinterest in capitals and conveying the image of some literary genius... I'm one who meticulously likes some sort of neat order in poetry, but yet his notion struck a chord with me, so I decided that I was going to do a feelstora series, a sort of short anthology consisting solely of feelstoras, I won't write mechanically... If I don't feel, I won't pen a single word... It's going to be 12 poems, no rhyme schemes, just me shoving my thoughts and feelings into lines and absolutely without editing... I don't know how long it'd take for me to do it but I'm going to do it anyway... SCATTERED THOUGHTS will be the first poem in the series even though it's already been posted months ago, the rest will follow soon and the name of the series would be Pandora : A Maverick's Requiem.

© The boy who raged, 1683.