

The Mystic Artist
On paper, on anything needing soul, art manifests what has not seen the light of the physical.
The artist pours his heart from solar cortex to paper through words, through illustrations.
Drawn from a place that cannot be felt or touched or tasted, his creativity rivals the birth of a galaxy.
Abstract, surreal, ethereal is the work of the artist whose creativity stems from the Aether.
Bringing into the physical world what has not seen the light or darkness of the realm of touch.
Divinity pours from his fingertips as he creates reality.
He brings from higher dimensions of the absolute and their scenery and knowledge to the lower realms of action and solidarity.
To show those with open eyes what hover directly over their head, sucking like a mosquito on their essence, yet the unknowing blame these energetic occurrences on trivial nothings.
He is a portal of something heretofore immeasurable.
The mystic artist takes a canvas and lays words and visions from the beyond upon paper, not caring that those whom don't understand see it as fiction or fantasy.
Let them find out for themselves when they leave this earth.
Solidifying the worlds of spirits and gods of benevolence and malevolence through the humble hand of the prince poverty and pain.
Pencil in hand paper in lap, he manifests into existence what has never before been imagined.
With just a simple stylus and canvas, he bridges the gap between worlds.
© Sebastian Grey