

To my first love,
Thank you for all the experiences I got. From the very first kiss, to the very first date. To the moments where you made me nervous and uneasy, even though I was the one to ask you to be mine. Thank you for loving me unconditionally with all the moments Ive had. I know I can be difficult, yet you have stayed. To my first love who taught me what to feel and what not to feel. Who taught me how to feel loved and how much heartbreak can hurt. Who taught me how to argue, how to hide away when im hurt, how to speak up when things didnt feel right, or how to feel jealous, or how to feel alone. To my first love who taught me how things start out as magic, and how every flower meant the world. How he taught me that love gradually fades, it doesnt grow. To you, my first love, who I grew to hate yet cherish so much. To you, who I yearn for the most, and miss so much. To you, who I thought forever would be enough. To you who only lasted more than enough. Thank you, My First Love, for all these things above, and for more; which I cannot say, or would be enough. Up to this day, I still, and most likely will always,
Love You.
© grey:D