

Do you know what's in the other side of the moon?
Down in the see,down in the well
What's resting there? Something good or cruel?
After your death, after your funeral
Sleeping forever? You think this is all?
Up in the space, between the star
Is it only dust or something else hidden there far
This strange stone,that weird statue, what's for?
Some ritual? or maybe something more
Just near to you, in your shadows
Under your bed is there really a monster with claws
About the castle, they say rumors too strange
Some ghosts playing piano, waiting to Revenge
Can you hear them ? Just next to you
Knocking, whispering, what they want ? you have no clue
What is under this mask ? Try to Guess
Another mask , a world of mess
What say the map? Going down then south
Traveling, risking our life to find the truth
To bring to light what everyone forget
But what we didn't know is that there is no exit
Shhhh, it's a secret
No one should know it
When you are drinking your coffee here
What's your parallel doing there ,sir?
Everybody want to know what there
Everybody want go deep in the nowhere
Everybody want to spread what they hear
Legends and mysteries everywhere
But no one see what's invisible observing in the air
Maybe you don't believe in all this stories
However,  when you hear them for sure you freeze
It's a lesson, don't swank with you knowledge
There is always something unknown hidden down in the Edge
© Recker_The_Ghost