

Almost had the world
In my hands
Plans were in progress
Laughing and smiling everyday
Room to expand
Happiness was there for the taking
Because, life was more than getting
Like a ride in a private Wonderland
No fear or hesitantion

Now, times have been a bit hard
My Popi taught me, to smile
Keep up your guard
I let it down, because of trust
Now everyday is a different flavor
Of being knocked down to
Eating dust
Lessons hard to learn sometimes
What if, I should of, Could of
Words turn to rust
Because having a good heart
Filled with trust

Almost, had my world in my hands
Because, I am brave
I will jump back in
"The frying pan"
Courage, wisdom, kindness, preservation
Are in my heart
Learned my lesson
These words an I, will never part
© Cynthia Inouye 6-15-2021