

I could feel the thunderhead beginning to swarm,
the sun was fading and taking the warm.
All the clouds nebulous, cumulus, and that other one i always forget.
The clouds are now a billow of puff suffocating me like my grandma's old moth smelly blanket.
I was not a lucky girl, I was drenched in wetness,
soaked down to my underclothes, my grandma was gonna go insane..
As i walked through the door, her laughter filled the house,
as my squeaky shoes sounded like two drowning mouse.
She shrugged and giggled and said the mists of the clouds dear is not where you want to be drenched when you have no place to go.
Be thankful you do for not and never take it for granted, but some, and its more than you think, I was once a young girl for years had no place to call home.
Yes Clouds can be a beautiful sight but i tought you to read the sky.
So you promise me you will always get to a place to sleep dry.