

Like an addict, I keep holding on to my fears
Why, oh why, do I do this to myself
Why can't I hold on to the faith I found
Why shift my gaze from the hope seen

I was told not to worry, but I found that without my worries I feel useless
Without my burdens, I feel too light
My worries is at times my armour and shield
Protecting me from the deepest feeling of regrets

But a light I have found and a truth I have tasted
My worries adds something called despair to my soul
Pressing me down on every side
Making me weak and shifting my gaze from the faith I profess
I run and hide, indeed I hide from the truth
What truth you ask ? The truth that have been from the ages past
The truth that sets me free
Indeed my worries adds nothing tangible to my days
But my faith, even as little as a mustard seed is able to move the strongest of mountains and dry up the deepest sea.
Such is the faith we have been called unto

#religion #beliefs