

3 Ghosts
It’s never a Merry Christmas,
This time of year brings me down.
You laugh at all the parties,
While I wear a perpetual frown.
My anxiety is off the charts,
No, I don’t want a hug.
Scrooge was fucking right,
Hey Christmas, “Bah, Humbug”!

Oh, send me 3 ghosts,
On this Christmas Eve.
I don’t want to be a dick,
I truly want to believe!
Oh, send me 3 ghosts,
In the middle of this night.
I’m so tired of the dark,
And I could really use some light.

The Season is upon us,
Thank God it won’t last.
Jacob Marley please send me,
The Ghost of Christmas Past.
I once loved her so,
And she hurt me so much.
How I’ve missed her smile,
And oh, I’ve longed for her touch.

Oh, send me 3 ghosts,
Like any of this will matter.
But this Christmas Eve,
I don’t want my friends to scatter.
Oh, send me 3 ghosts,
That old holiday trope.
I fear that I need their visit,
If I’m to have any hope.

It’s Christmas Eve,
And I know I’ve been unpleasant,
Please would you send me,
The ghost of Christmas Present?
She has those eyes,
I just really can’t explain it.
I’d love if things could just work out,
I’d work hard to maintain it.

Oh, send me 3 ghosts,
On this wintry eve,
Please teach me to give,
And to not just receive.
Oh, send me 3 ghosts,
Each one after the other.
I promise to help my fellow sister,
And love my fellow brother!

Please send me three ghosts,
So I can redeem my spirit.
I have earned eternal loneliness,
And I’m really starting to fear it.
There’s a hole in my soul,
And I really need to patch it.
I want to be less Ebenezer Scrooge,
And a little more Bob Cratchit.

Someday I’ll enjoy Christmas,
But now I’m still rather numb.
Oh, Marley please send me,
The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.
She’s out there somewhere,
I trust my spirit she will save.
Oh, please Christmas future,
Save me from a lonely grave.

Oh, send me 3 ghosts,
Fill my soul with laughter.
Have them teach me to love,
And save my soul ever after.
Oh, send me 3 ghosts,
And please wake me from this trance.
Only 3 ghosts this Christmas,
Can give me a second chance.

Only 3 ghosts this Christmas,
Can give me a second chance.

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