

In the student's life, stress takes the stage,
Future's weight, marks on every page.
Beneath the burden of familial gaze,
A life of textbooks, in a stress-filled maze.

Dreams entwined with academic strife,
Each exam a chapter in the book of life.
Family expectations, a demanding score,
In the echo of pressure, students implore.

Yet midst the chaos, seeds of strength sown,
Resilience blooms, though roots unknown.
In the tapestry of stress, threads unite,
Students forge ahead, in the academic fight.

Family's hopes, like a guiding star,
Illuminate the path, though shadows are far.
Marks may falter, but the spirit prevails,
In the crucible of stress, determination hails.

For within this struggle, a lesson learned,
In stress, resilience is fiercely earned.
A student's life, a complex ballet,
In each challenge faced, strength finds its way.

© @Anuja