

Everyone thought am mad
As I told them about the forest house,
As it was never found
It all made me sad,
Then I looked back
The memory, so fresh ,
Running behind that bird , as I manifest,
Then the bird went lost
In the house ,in a speck,
all my dreams were wrecked
And it all made me racked,
In his await ,I wrote
People called it love fables ,

For years I searched
No clue , no sign ,It was gone,
forever and ever
Was that house all a dream?
As I lost the bird years ago
But it prevails in each fragment of my mind
Haunting me with the house forest dreams
Everytime ,
Stucked in my ink
Like a rime ,
And made me write of all the times,
And people called me a fabulist
Wandering in the forest "
© Tc