

Brushing Away the Fog
We always plan a life like a wonderful painting,
But sometimes, we somehow paint a foggy landscape.
Fools will lay still like a rock and never stop complaining.
But the keen will stand up and paint over a prettier shape.
We envision life like a beautiful painting,
But sometimes, we end up with a foggy landscape, dismaying.
Some people stay stuck and constantly complain,
But the wise ones rise and paint a better terrain.

Like an artist with a brush, we dream of vibrant scenes,
Planning our lives, choosing our own means.
But occasionally, things don't go as planned,
Leaving us in a fog, where it's hard to understand.

The fools, they stay motionless and never strive,
Caught in their complaints, barely feeling alive.
They dwell in negativity, never willing to change,
Blinded by the fog, their life feels strange.

Yet the wise ones stand up, ready to face,
Taking charge of their canvas, with strength and grace.
They pick up the brush, determined and strong,
To paint over the gray, creating a joyful song.

With each stroke, they uncover a ray of light,
Dispelling the fog, making their world bright.
Colors burst forth, like a radiant dawn,
Transforming their landscape, a masterpiece born.

Life is like a canvas, where we hold the key,
To shape our reality and set ourselves free.
With resilience and a creative mindset,
We can paint over the fog, no need to fret.

So let's not despair when the fog comes near,
Instead, let's embrace it and conquer our fear.
For within every challenge, lies an opportunity,
To create a new picture, filled with unity.

And when we step back, admiring what we've done,
We'll see how the fog led us to something won.
For it's the unexpected paths we take,
That lead us to a masterpiece, our own fate.
© Victor uriel