

Solitude lane
Safe, secure, dependable
Words that I've often heard from my romantic interests
All a mask to what inevitably becomes "boring"
I try not to to take "i like you" or "i love you" too much to heart
Cause any time I've shown someone the inside chambers of my heart, it ended in catastrophe, and the will to open that door again is waning more and more
I am a good man, and straying against that feels criminal
Toxicity, continual unpredictability, emotional immaturity is what's desired and unfortunately, I horrendously fall short of that
The line between being someone that I'm not, in order to impress someone, or just being my true self, and continue to be misunderstood and undesirable, is thin
And playing that game, is too tiring
So until that day where my safe comforting, ride or die loyalty and positive influencing love is embraced and appreciated
Solitude lane is where I'll stay

How tragic it is that having a good heart means having a rug for people to stomp their dirty feet upon?