

What if she wakes up💔All alone😔
Let her sleep deep,
Let us not weep,
For she is at her journey’s end,
Left with no memories to mend.
Laying idle like a mystery,
Wanting to be solved.
No! She is gonna wake up,
And ran to me alone.
Nothing can take her away,
She will sing us to sleep,
Just like the old good days,
Dancing and singing in the rain.
She is here with us
No longer restraint
She is gonna wake up whether
-be early or late.
She is gonna sit on my lap,
Recalling the stories in vein.
As I will mumble her name,
She is gonna be awake soon.
I m gonna wait,
Till she rose up from the bed
I m not gonna leave her alone
Just like everyone else
What if she wakes up
And find herself alone
Crying like baby
Someone should be there to hold
Like a gentleman
I m gonna wait
What if she wakes up
Lonely all again 💔
© Ishu.writes❤️