

There was another aster before you,
Shining bright so I'd see while being in another constellation,
Did you know all he gave was temptation?
He burned bright but it was before to my heart he treasoned.

Did you know I've searched galaxies before you're glimmering lure?
Feeding my heart coffee each time as it got tired,
They told me to stay hopeful in the search,
I'm wondering if the search led back to the start,
Or something worse than breaking my heart.

Did you know I told my friends about you?
You were the effect after the move on drug,
Now I might need another one for you.
What do I tell my friends?
Because I don't know how I caused the end,
It must be me not you

Aster please dont be my supernova,
Please don't leave me stargazing,
Don't leave me embarrassed,
Don't leave me to fall back into old habits with a star that was never truly shining for me,

Dear aster, I might not be worthy,
But don't leave me.

© Dantewrites