

Let Me Tell You A Story About A Walk I Took
A bendy gravel pathway with no branching routes
Oaks and ferns dotting every which way kept my focus
Maybe a house or two if you squinted towards the end
Some old souls with smiles stopping by to say good evening

I happened upon a rusted fork in the middle of the walkway
Shining prongs pointing through the wedge of trees
And I dare say this fork was eyeing me from a distance
Faintly whispering to take a detour through some tall grass

I inquisitvely glance towards the patches of foot high green
At first sight, you'd think it a dead end, certainly no finish line
The sunlight shined brighter and brighter off that fork
Lense flares lining up with the seemingly lackluster breakaway

After some more prodding, I picked up that damn fork
I took that turn and not long after had found quite the sight
A stunning row of cherry blossoms beyond the treeline
Quick as a cat, and just as curious, I peeked beyond the petals

What I saw, near yards from the normal, was far from the former
All it took was a fork
© Celebrion