Doesn't Matter, or
Can you see me?
Could you hear me!
If I lefted up my voice, and told you my choose?
Would it matter?
No one never asked if I really, truly wanted to be here at this moment?
No one, Not a soul even around me care's if I wanted to even help!
I didn't hear them breath a word to me. They didn't care if I felt like it. I didn't get a choose. While as they do. How I wounder what it is like to say( No) and I wouldn't feel pain for standing up for my self.I wounder what it's like to hear my own Voice tell someone ( Why )I didn't do as they told me . My own blood I don't think I could remember the sound of there own voices. How They smile Seconds have turned into minutes, minutes have turned into hours the hour's into days months 2 and half years now. They wanted me to be, do as they thought was good for me. How yes indeed I could of done the same. How my baby sister looks so cute and silly when she is wrong or even tries to act so much bigger than she is. My brother how indeed with all his might tries to act mad ,yell, even tries to make me feel so little bless his soul he tells me that I don't make it easy for him to be mad at me that he loves me. I talked to him One other day. My other sister takes my aunt's, uncle's, and other sister side. It's been 7 months that I lasted Saw her that we huged. My momma we talk it's been many months that I even gave her a kiss or a hug. She is the only one that tells me I am beautiful,amazing, That she is so proud of me for me to always be truthful and honest to My self. It's not easy.How indeed this world will never understand or...
Could you hear me!
If I lefted up my voice, and told you my choose?
Would it matter?
No one never asked if I really, truly wanted to be here at this moment?
No one, Not a soul even around me care's if I wanted to even help!
I didn't hear them breath a word to me. They didn't care if I felt like it. I didn't get a choose. While as they do. How I wounder what it is like to say( No) and I wouldn't feel pain for standing up for my self.I wounder what it's like to hear my own Voice tell someone ( Why )I didn't do as they told me . My own blood I don't think I could remember the sound of there own voices. How They smile Seconds have turned into minutes, minutes have turned into hours the hour's into days months 2 and half years now. They wanted me to be, do as they thought was good for me. How yes indeed I could of done the same. How my baby sister looks so cute and silly when she is wrong or even tries to act so much bigger than she is. My brother how indeed with all his might tries to act mad ,yell, even tries to make me feel so little bless his soul he tells me that I don't make it easy for him to be mad at me that he loves me. I talked to him One other day. My other sister takes my aunt's, uncle's, and other sister side. It's been 7 months that I lasted Saw her that we huged. My momma we talk it's been many months that I even gave her a kiss or a hug. She is the only one that tells me I am beautiful,amazing, That she is so proud of me for me to always be truthful and honest to My self. It's not easy.How indeed this world will never understand or...