

Whispers of wilted hopes: plans unwoven
I slowly take my shoes off
Staying home is better than being the laughing stock
This has been going on all my life
I have always dreamt of a life where I don’t have to hide
Where I am not at war with my mind
And the universe is on my side
Through time's embrace, this feeling stays and I can’t think of a way out
I want to shrug this feelings off but i just can’t
How can I make a change
When I stay locked in
In life's journey, an anxious soul in the shadows shall they remain.

When I finally snap out of my thoughts
I fall so far behind and I am left alone to try and catch up
Wasted money, opportunities, days, dreams and time
And still i can’t seem to start over and pull myself out of this mine
Oh the day i will finally be FINE
It hurts
Making plans and letting go
I know this isn’t right but still i sit back down surrending plans in silent decline
A part of me harmonizing, succumbing to the anxious whispers it resembles
The dread of being seen consumes me from within
The reflection looking back in the mirror is so horrible and I wish it wasn’t me

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