

Alas, at last a lover.
Beauty,decency,shyness and mannerism.
Same old trap, he falls.
She smiles, his breathe fails him, same old crap.
Foolish heart, you never learn.
Oh. Narrow mind, forever lean.

She's toxic.
Poison falls from her lips.
It's obvious her insecurities are a child's make-believe.
He's docile, eyes are stuck on her hips.
I wish I could show him but no use in freeing a happy slave.

"Love me." His heart beats to her chorus.
"Don't leave me." Her siren song says.
But she's the one gripping his heart by the balls.
He's holding her bra, that couldn't hurt her, but he can't see.
The scent of it mesmerizes him as he plans a future in his head.
"I Love you." She says as her shadow kisses his.

It's true, a kiss goes by favour.
She favours the benefits that come with him, nothing else.
He doesn't realise she's never kissed him, only his shadow.
I try to show him, I point him at the signs.
But a fool in love sees nothing but love.
I guess I can't blame him, after all, hatred is love in the opposite direction.
And love is still love whether you are going East or West.

She's good, I must admit.
She reminds me of a Viper.
A snake that can lure it's prey with its tail. At least it does it for food and survival.
Hers is a quest in pleasure.
She will smile as his heart bleeds out.
She will leave him without blinking an eye.
Her muse lies in that she can make him love her beyond a shade of doubt.
Oh. I wish I could show him.

Whoever has the most in spontaneity wins her over.
I wouldn't want her as a lover.
But he treats her like his mother.
She doesn't deserve it
But who am I to judge?

He is hers. But she is Noone's.
She's going to lead him to his grave. But she doesn't care, hers is a wicked kind of love.
His fragile heart couldn't handle crushing a mouse. I wonder how it's going to stop the train that's about to hit him.
I wish I could show him, I really wish I could.

© billybm