

Have you ever noticed how you can't just write a poem
At least I can't, it has to come from my soul
Some can sit down and put a pen to paper, and spew venom and lies that in the end is nothing but hype
I can't do that, though I've tried many times
What I write comes from my heart, that's why it may not always rhyme
My poetry is the music coming from deep inside; pouring out of me as it can no longer hide
It's me on paper, right there in black and white
It strange how thoughts like this only come at certains times, mostly late at night when I'm laying awake
Not even even medication gives my mind a break
It not confusion nor sadness or doubt; but something that keeps me up, keeps me stuck in this rut
I start to get antsy and can't sit still, I'll fall asleep once I've had enough; once my mind finally breaks and my body can no longer stand to stay awake.
© Malissa Nau