

Take me back to a simpler time
where hearts of everybody used to be kind,
To a time before the touch of man
and a toil skin had a touch of tan,
A time before cars and telephone lines,
even the seasons then picked no lies,
when mother earth still held command
earthling fulfilled her wishful demands,

Take me back to a simpler time
long before the wars began
colonization was never in the plan,
when birds held dominion in the sky
the fish,in the water,swam
O' how's the time has changed
since the rise of modern man,
we stole freedom of eachother,
with bombs and guns in hands,
and sacrificed our brothers
just to rule over foreign lands,

Clearing forest to and fro,
until the earth could hardly stand
will we cease our selfish ways?
will we eradicate world ,
or bring a change today?
May we set aside differences
to stand together in this fight,
To preserve and heal this planet
that can return us back to light.