

"Echoes of Resilience"
In shadows deep, where moonlight weeps,
A heart once whole, now fractured, creeps.
Echoes of laughter, now silent cries,
In the labyrinth of love's sad goodbyes.

Each beat, a sonnet of forgotten bliss,
In every tear, a tender reminisce.
A symphony of shattered dreams unfurls,
As love's embers fade, in a world of swirls.

Yet from the ruins, a phoenix rises high,
With wings of strength, it takes to the sky.
For in heartbreak's caress, a chance to grow,
To find oneself, to bloom and glow.

So let the ache be a canvas, pure and stark,
From broken pieces, create your art.
In the mosaic of pain, find your grace,
For within heartbreak lies a hidden space.