

Introvert diary #1
Well, I was not planning to write this at first.
Since, I'm kind of a reserved person who's has Two sides. We're afraid of being judged by others for sharing our opinions as well as we sometimes rarely care. We just try to keep everything a secret...
But in reality, Introverts like me needs an escape too. For sharing our thoughts where no one judges us.

So, some days ago, I was with some of my so called friends ( I don't make friends by the way), just people I talk to ....
so they were having a fun chat among themselves, u know girls talk, it's all about youth...or whatever. So, they asked me,
What kind of Boy do u Like or could fall for instantly.
You know, everyone was so excited when their turn came talking about their likes and choices.
One said, appearance wise, I like someone who's tall and fair. and personality wise, someone who's on the mature side but also knows how to have fun.
Girl 2 said, ' I like funny and friendly people who are easy to talk to, and makes me smile.'
Girl 3 said, I like those who talks less, looks cold but is warm from inside once u get to know him close. The kind of person who helps others secretly. The kind of person who's warm.
Girl 4 said, I like those who notice and give importance to small details. One who'll notice little changes in me and compliment me. One who'll remember the small things and surprise me.
Girl 5 was bossy and bubbly, she said, Well and so, let's talk reality, I don't care much. but I'd love to fall for a cool.and rich guy. like the one who's only interested in me and no one else. I wanna get a taste of the Princess treatment...

Girl 6 said, u know I think I really fall for those boys who acts like a man. you know what I'm telling. Like when he wears a suit or formal dress and standing before his office, with a CEO look. That's only my fantasy or not, I like them, lol...

And then like that my turn came up
They inquired, ' What about you?'. I'm really curious about you, you talk so less,and stay mysterious to us. We couldn't guess unless u tell us anything. so what kind of boy do u like?

I stared blankly at them, scanning their faces that shows their curiosity and expectations..
Then I said, ' I don't know. I'm not really sure'.
They said, What, u must be kidding. Have u never thought about it. Everyone has a crush on someone at least once, that could be the person u like. Tell us, come on..

I stayed quiet for a while, then said, Maybe someone who notices me.
Maybe someone who don't think I'm invisible.
Someone who cares about my opinions and respects them. Maybe, Someone who loves me more than I do.

I thought, this wasn't a complete unreal opinion while listening to their hopeful yet unrealistic fantasies. But Maybe, even that was a big ask for me, for a person like me who never approached someone first. who never knew what friendship is. who never talked to a guy first. who can't trust others easily and open up. So, may be, I'm unlucky in all aspects including these little desires.

© Enigma