

What is Love 💕
What is Love?
So much of what is love today is called “Self-love”,
I’ll digress; Man meets woman and they both fall in ‘love’… The man sees in the woman someone that can provide for his emotional, physical and sometimes in some cases financial needs, someone that ‘completes’ him. The woman sees in the man someone who can provide for her emotional, physical and sometimes financial needs. That’s the modern-day definition of ‘Love’, But each one is looking out for their own needs. It’s not ‘love’ for each other, the other person becomes a vehicle strictly for ‘self-gratification’.
Love is not what you’re looking to get but what you’re looking to give. We as humans err in thinking that we give to those we love.
The actual truth is ‘You love those to whom you give’
When I give something to you, I’ve invested myself in you. Since self-love is a given because everyone loves themselves, Now that part of me has become in you… There’s part of me in you that I love.
True Love is a Love of giving and not a love of receiving.

© Olatunde Gbenuola