

Making beauty while waiting patiently.

In the realm of patience and grace,
A transformation takes its place.
For in the waiting, beauty blooms,
Unveiling wonders, dispelling gloom.

A canvas blank, devoid of hue,
Yearning for colors, vibrant and true.
With each stroke of time's gentle hand,
A masterpiece begins to expand.

Whispers of hope, whispers of change,
Embrace the process, don't feel estranged.
For in the mundane, a magic lies,
Hidden treasures, a sweet surprise.

Like a caterpillar, humble and plain,
It spins its cocoon, in patient refrain.
Days turn to weeks, weeks into years,
Until one day, wings will appear.

The ugly duckling, misunderstood,
Endures the trials of falsehood.
But with resilience, it finds its grace,
A swan emerges, with elegance and grace.

And so it is, in life's grand design,
That beauty often takes its time.
In moments of waiting, we learn to see,
The hidden beauty that's meant to be.

So let us embrace the journey's pace,
For within patience, beauty finds its space.
And as we wait, with hearts aglow,
We witness miracles begin to show.

I hope this poem captures the essence of finding beauty in the process of waiting patiently.
The train sings a song on its old track,
We swing with its tune,
Swaying and bouncing a moment too soon,