

Strange form of Love
I walk past you
But you don't seem to know me,
Though thinking back to what we were
It still makes me weak.

God! You were such an a**h**e
Just the though of it makes me go blue,
You wept and begged every single time
to stick me like the glue.

I was stupid to not see where it changed,
Just thought I was wrong
cause you always blamed.

It wasn't what I thought, in the beginning,
It creeped me out when you came in singing.

Don't do! Please! No was all I tried,
It only got worse when I cried.

This form of Love was not what I heard,
Dare did the romantic stories ever blurt.

It's a cycle of pain and forgiveness,
You knew you had to get out nevertheless.

Shouldn't have fallen for those lies,
I should've pitied my cries.

This love no longer has any form of bliss,
Don't condone cause you don't deserve this.

© Bhoomish