

I'm Sorry
You asked me to do one thing
For you, I said anything!
I asked me to never cross it
I said I can never dare to.

You said it's essential
I said 'of course'!
You said to never forget it
I assured you I can never.

You said 'I believe you'
I said I won't break it.
You smiled,
I giggled.

Then you asked, do you really?
I am confused.
You asked what I was doing.
Then I looked back.

The thing You said no
Is the thing I repeated.
About what You have warned
Is what I did.

But still You said 'I believe you'
Still you smiled at me.
One thing You asked me
And I couldn't make it.

I'm not allowed to say it
But please forgive me.
I don't deserve You,
But I am sorry.

© Rose