

A woman will give

respect until the man

no longer shows

a true woman will

be the one disrespect the most

she will remain true

while he lies

she will want to believe it is not so

But when you see a man looking

at other women in front of your eyes

when his eyes should be on you

let the pain go don't hang on

God has other plans for you

If a man truly loves a woman

then his eyes will only be for her

a man who wants and needs

a woman he will make

her his queen

pick her up when she falls

hold her when she crys

never will he call her lowly names

for a man who loves

only has good to say

he will respect her wishes

he will want to do things only with her

there will be no doubt no fear

only a love that could grow

lie to a woman who has been hurt

and you will never own her heart

Disrespect a woman who

shown you kindness and respect

and been your shoulder to cry on

then that woman will stop

the feeling that flow.

first slowly then there shall be nothing at all

by Ashley Marie sizemore