

We are all enveloped by the maddening cycles of life,

Captured by the beautiful essence of dime,

Encapsulated by the grace of a one sided beauty,

Drenched by the allure of a golden luxury,

Humans, unseeing, search for fame,

Going through different scandals to win the race,

Like a ballerina, some dance to the tunes set by others,

Changing with every roll of the people's shoulders,

Sensual desires are hot cakes today,

Fornication and its companions, now a main on stage,

Gossips and slanders have replaced the silence of the world,

Now they kill with two edged swords,

Jealousy and disharmony goes together,

Plotting downfalls of their friends forever,

A stich in time saves nine, they say,

The procastinator with the lazy don't go to this bay,

Vanity all these desires are,

Pleasures that will amount to only scars,

The world is slowly being ripped off the seams,

As its spiralling top is becoming shrivelled and lean,

There is a horizon that stretches beyond this world,

Two eternities that cannot be described by words,

A day will come all earth will be vanquished,

Phones, jewelry, food will destroyed,

A day will come when the world will burn to nothingness,

A day will come when the wrath will destroy the world's farce of happiness,

The world will come and go,

High and low,

Dust to dust,

Ashes to ashes,

Vanity to vanity.

I want to thank God for giving me the Grace to write this. So it is true,  beauty, fame, riches, approval of others are all vanity. It is hard to believe, it is hard to think but believe me nothing in this world matters. This world is a waiting room compared to eternity. Your actions define where you will spend your eternity, either in hell or heaven, it is a set choice. It may seem like these things are the most important but when the king of this world returns or you die, you will realize that nothing in this world is worth it. King Solomon said it is all vanity! Vanity! If anybody were to spend a minute in hell they would regret every decision they made, nothing is worth the glories or sufferings of heaven and hell respectively. Do not be swayed by the things of this world because soon enough the earth will be destroyed. Know it or not, like it or not, every pleasure will turn from gold to stone, silver to rubbish. Make the right decision before it is too late, because all of this life is vanity.

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