

to the person who's going to make me feel love again.

The big-bang was just but an event
And we're just an improbable coalescence of stardusts enjoying one fleeting glorious dance throughout the cosmos
For; of tens and billions of possibilities of events
The universe granted us the luxury of existence
And I can't seem to fathom the idea of how a tiny speck of a floating atom led to the creation of what we see, we know, and feel
And to cogitate how such impossibilities made the possibility of you and me existing and meeting at the same point of time
Seems rather absurd
But it's been made possible;
By the universe we ignore,
And sometimes hate
But I'm sure the 'me' right now is thanking it;
For the stars that had been churned out during all those collision billion years ago,
Led to another event
A collision of stardusts
An event called love.
I love you.

Let's not worry about the future and enjoy these moments in our present.